Finance – Types of Home Mortgages

By • Mar 1st, 2009 • Category: Mortgage

There are more new home mortgage packages today than in previous years. The ability to find new and creative ways to finance homes is what makes it possible for more people to own their homes.

Adjustable rate mortgage

As lenders became more concerned about increasing upward trends in home mortgage rates, they searched for a way to lessen the impact on the reserves available. Because the lenders were locked into low interests rates loans and the ability to borrow money themselves was tied to the rising prime rate, they began promoting the adjustable rate mortgage for their home mortgage loans. The ARM floats to various economic indicators so that if the cost of money goes up, so does the amount the borrower will pay on their existing loan. Conversely, if the price of money goes down, the lender has the option of adjusting the loan payment downward. For more information please visit Pension Guide

Fixed Rate Mortgage

202px Federal Funds Rate %28effective%29 Finance   Types of Home Mortgages
Image via Wikipedia

As the name suggest, the fixed rate mortgage is a new home mortgage that remains at the original rate during the entire term or mortgage. It is typically a rate that is somewhat higher than the rate available with an adjustable rate mortgage to allow the lender some leeway for climbing interest rates making it impossible to meet future mortgage payment amounts. The lender, on the other hand may have the ability to make further loans compromised if interest rates climb.


A balloon payment as part of the home mortgage is a larger than normal payment applied to the mortgage, usually at some point in the future in order to reduce the amount of payments early in the mortgage term. A balloon payment may also apply to the payoff amount of the mortgage with the expectation that the borrower will renegotiate the terms of the mortgage loan at that point. This can be a helpful mortgage tool if the desire is to improve credit so as to get a better rate in two years or four years, or whenever the balloon payment is due. It can also be a negative factor if the balloon payment comes due. For more information please visit Income Protection

Negative equity

Unless the borrower understand the type of mortgage which they are taking on, he or she can end up with negative equity after paying mortgage payments for two or three years. This occurs when the borrower arranges for a loan payment that is not large enough to completely cover the periodic interest due to the loan. In this type of new home mortgage, the unpaid interest is added to the principal each month and the principal increases. This is known as negative equity in the house. Small monthly payments may seem like a good way to purchase a new home, but if you pay several months or years and owe more at the end of the period than when you started, it can make it even more difficult to refinance the mortgage. For more information please visit Financial Planning in Ireland

 Finance   Types of Home Mortgages
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