If You Want To Discover Suitable Mortgage Rates You May Be Best Asking A Mortgage Broker
By FinanceGuru • Jan 27th, 2009 • Category: Mortgage
When you are tying to choose a new mortgage there are plenty of web sites available with mortgage best buy comparison charts, a whole variety of mortgage tools and a lot, lot more. But the big problem for most people with these tools is that although they are great for quickly showing and finding you the best mortgage products on the market and which banks are currently offering the lowest mortgage rates that day, they are missing out a valuable piece of information. That is why a lot of the tables now include a disclaimer that before selecting a mortgage and hitting the apply button, you should check your selection with a mortgage broker to ensure that the mortgage really is a suitable one for you.
So what else do you need to consider when you are trying to compare lowest mortgage interest rates and what is this vital missing piece of information that you know and a mortgage broker can consider against your choice, that the charts might be missing? In fact, when you look at the charts and know the answer, you know that the charts are always missing this highly important clue, which is a piece of information, without which, you cannot look at anything other than typical rates on the best buys chart, whereas you want to see the mortgage rates that are likely to be applied to you.
This vital piece of information is something that you are likely to know already, or at least have a good idea about. It’s how good are you as a credit risk? There are loads of factors, but you probably have a good idea yourself, if not an exact answer. You will know far better than the charts you are referring to if you are a poor credit risk when you are trying to compare today’s mortgage rates anyway!
Factors to take into account such as how well you have managed loans, your current income and the amount you are able to put down for the purchase as a deposit against your property will all affect the actual mortgage interest rate you will be offered. One set of mortgage charts assumed that the person using the charts was able to put down at least a 40% deposit, which is quite a hefty chunk, especially for first time buyers struggling to buy their own house.
What is the answer to this then? Well there are a whole array of websites out there on the internet that can arrange for a local mortgage broker to contact you for free and suggest the best suitable mortgages for you, based on your current circumstances. Don’t be surprised if these are a lot more expensive than those that you see on best buy mortgage charts. So save yourself the time and effort, get a mortgage broker to do the work for you!
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