Posts Tagged ‘bad credit’

How to Get a Loan With Bad Credit

By • Aug 10th, 2012 • Category: Credit

One of the unfortunate things about bad credit is that it most affects the people who need good credit the most. If you have bad credit then this probably means that you haven’t been able to pay off your loans and other financial commitments, and that means that you probably don’t have enough resources for [...]

The Diy Credit Repair Ebook for Canada

By • Aug 1st, 2011 • Category: Family

The Diy Credit Repair Ebook for Canada Bad Credit? This 42 page Credit Repair EBook for Canadians will help repair your credit & Save you time and money – Order today! The Diy Credit Repair Ebook for Canada

Tips Series: You Can Fix Your Poor Or Bad Credit

By • Mar 4th, 2011 • Category: Personal Finance

by peter.mottola Here is our latest article on Personal Finance Tips fix,bad,credit,all,types,personal,finance Tips on how to get started now. You will not be able to build good credit overnight. It will take discipline and persistence on your part to change your credit for the better. After you have fixed and improved your credit rating in [...]

All About Fast Remortgaging

By • Jul 21st, 2009 • Category: Mortgage

There was a time when once you took out a credit you paid it back publication and if you moved house you then took out an additional credit perhaps with the same lender. A remortgage wasn’t that all the rage as lenders were not that keen on the multinational butover modern years many lenders have [...]

Are Bad Credit Credit Cards Worth The Risk?

By • Jul 1st, 2009 • Category: Credit

No one can ever tell you whether a credit card is totally bad, but if you give a credit card to a child that is sure to end up as one. However, that is not the only way a credit card goes bad. What do you really have to know about a bad credit credit [...]

Trouble Getting A Credit Card? Get Around Bad Credit Woes?

By • Apr 6th, 2009 • Category: Credit

There is hope for you if you don’t have credit or your credit gets damaged.  Many people believe that they just have to wait it out.You can get back to a good credit standing. Most people don’t give much thought to the importance of credit until they need it.Does bad credit keep you from getting [...]

My Credit And Debt Consolidation

By • Apr 2nd, 2009 • Category: Credit

Have you ever wondered what would happen to your credit if you went with a debt consolidation? . If so, you are 1 of thousands and thousands to progress to this point, and fortunately for you there is a great deal of help available. First Off if you are fixing to get behind on your [...]

Tips To Buy A Home With Bad Credit

By • Feb 21st, 2009 • Category: Credit

bad credit There are any number of reasons that a person could end up with poor credit and not all of them come from being lazy or cheap. A bad accident or illness, hospitalization, the loss of a job or bad choices in a person’s younger years could all be the basis for having bad [...]

Do Not let Bad Credit Keep You From Getting a Loan…

By • Oct 24th, 2008 • Category: Credit

At one time or another we have all made mistakes as far as financial matters are concerned but this does not have to destroy the rest of our lives. These days many lenders accept that a poor credit history does not necessarily mean you have the makings of a high-risk customer and there are some [...]

The option for bankruptcy? Get detailed answers to bankruptcy questions first!

By • Sep 13th, 2008 • Category: Bankruptcy

You may find yourself in such desperate financial condition that you truly feel there’s no way out, short of filing bankruptcy. There are surely cases where filing bankruptcy is your unsurpassed or only option. However, bankruptcy is a terrible situation which requires considerable research and thought before you proceed. Recent changes to bankruptcy laws have [...]